Let’s Play Star Fox

Let’s Play Star Fox

Let’s Play Star Fox! Let’s Play Star FoxAh so many random floating space feces particles. That’s totally what they were or at least made you think of, right? If Star Fox is an accurate depiction of the future in space, there is bound to be space crap all over the place, that’s all I’m saying.

Let’s Play Star Fox:

Star Fox was a lot of fun, don’t get me wrong, but it kind of feels like the game was released before it was finished. It must be something about the FX chip, because Stunt Race FX (love that game) felt kind of the same way. But Star Fox especially.

Everything about this game was super muddy. It manifested in the form of never knowing if an obstacle was going to hit you if you were remotely close to it. Sometimes you could hit something when it seems like you were a few meters away, other times you’d clear something which looked like you were set on colliding with head first.

This game has a lot in common with Mario Kart in my mind now that I think about it, in that they were both very rough and ugly (yet fun) versions of what would be far superior sequels on the next generation Nintendo 64. Star Fox 64 refined a lot of what made Star Fox kind of ugly.

The graphics looked… well, not shitty for lack of a better term. There was awesome voice acting instead of the random bleeds and bloops of the Star Fox team. You knew definitively when you were going to hit or not hit something. The game play was also tight and didn’t have a half second delay when you hit left on the controller to when it was reflected on the screen with your ship.

I don’t want to crap on Star Fox all day, but it was always far inferior to my beloved 64. That said, it began yet ANOTHER fantastic Nintendo franchise. I’m starting to lose track of all of the awesomenesses which were original Nintendo franchises. And in 1993/94 or whenever this game came out, this game was pretty damn impressive, if not a bit buggy.

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