Let’s Play Leisure Suit Larry 3

Let’s Play Leisure Suit Larry 3

Let’s Play Leisure Suit Larry 3! Let’s Play Leisure Suit Larry 3Larry’s back at it again. Hopefully he’s learned his lesson about trying to find love, at least in all of the wrong places.

Let’s Play Leisure Suit Larry 3:

This go around, Larry is newly divorced, overweight, newly unemployed, and without direction. That is until he remembers that he’s Leisure Suit frickin Larry, and dives headfirst back into the dating pool. I guess it’s meant to be a moot point after the events of the first game, but I always sort of kept track of the number of times which Larry may or may not have gotten laid in subsequent games.

In Larry 3, he’s finally met his match it seems in Passionate Patti; an uber cool and drop dead gorgeous lounge pianist. I also keep track of immeasurable things, like how I think Larry was at an all-time high of coolness/attractiveness in this game thanks to the hair rejuvenation serum of Larry 2 and the hard, if not unrealistically brief, work Larry puts in at the gym to get those titular (heh) pulsating pectorals of this game.

He looks great in this game, so maybe it was inevitable that he finally meets the love of his life in the who would normally be (but probably still is) way out of his league, Patti. Not only is Larry on top of his game in this game, but he’s on top of his game in the bedroom, as well. Apparently Kalula taught him more in the bedroom than he realized, and all of this combined was able to sway the seemingly unattainable Patti.

This game is a bit unique in that for the first time in the series you’re not playing exclusively as Larry but three quarters through the game you switch over to Patti in search of Larry, braving the dangerous jungles of Noontynyt (sp) Island, sacrificing the majority of her outfit in the process.

If Space Quest 3 broke the fourth wall, Leisure Suit Larry 3 smashes it, reassembles it, then destroys it again as the pair in Larry and Patti arrive at Sierra Studios at the end of the game and actually create their own games.

Actually Space Quest 3 ended in a remarkably similar way come to think of it… first time I’ve made that connection. Anyway, thankfully this is the final typie in the Larry series, but all in all a great game and one of the first “exposures” I had to the LSL franchise as a kid between this and the VGA remake of the first one.

I remember stealthily opening this game on our computer as a kid when no one was watching, taking random guesses at the questions in the hopes of gaining access to the raunchiest rating. Good times.

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