Let’s Play Rambo! Ah Link’s Adventur… errr… I mean Rambo. Seriously, you don’t have to be playing this game for very long to say that this game is a blatant and shameless rip-off of countless other games, especially Zelda 2. Don’t get me wrong; there are probably a hundred games for the NES which stole a couple of features or designs from games which preceded them, but not to the extent of Rambo in my experience.
Let’s Play Rambo:
This was a request which I don’t normally make it a point to do away from designated times like July, but there were extenuating circumstances in this case so I was happy to do it, ha until I played the game that is.
The game itself wasn’t really bad, just more laughable at the degree to which it ripped off the design of Zelda 2. I mean, Zelda 2 was a good game, so imagine playing the same game but with Sly Stallone at the helm, not an awful trade.
There were some weird buggy things, and a lot of the navigation was kind of fucked up and turned you around pretty quickly, not to mention very little of it made sense.
Still, I had my buddy Matt on the line to share in the awfulness of the game which made me laugh, and I got to do my best/worst Stallone impression on and off throughout the game, so all in all it was a decently fun experience.