Let’s Play The Flintstones

Let’s Play The Flintstones

Let’s Play The Flintstones! Let’s Play The FlintstonesI’m embarrassed to say that I just figured out that it was spelled “Flintstones” with a “T” only recently when playing this game. Whenever someone pronounced the name, that T was more or less silent. I get the pun, now though, so let’s all just move on.

Let’s Play The Flintstones:

This was a favorite of my brother’s and mine growing up. It’s not a game I go back to on my own, but when we get together and are playing some NES games we’re looking to beat relatively quickly, you can yabadaba-bet that this game will be on the list.

A lot of the music is whimsically pleasant, and most of the game is relatively easy, minus the countless pits above and below water. And yeah, it’s kind of crap when a guy hits you and you go into an uncontrollable pain dance, typically right off of the side of a cliff. Hmm, maybe I don’t like this game as much as I thought I did.

But playing rock ball with Hard Hat Harry (can anyone confirm that that was actually his name?) was always a good time, embarrassing him over and over, and Gazoo’s bag of tricks was always fun and helpful in a pinch.

Really this is another one of those games where if you have the right supplies, the game is much more easily managed. I usually like those games, because I feel like I’m getting away with something if I just take the time to prepare.

Like if you have plenty of prehistoric tokens and a powerful weapon like the exploding egg, you can walk through the majority of this game without worrying about silly things like defense or moving away from your enemies. It sounds cheap, but I love cheap in these old games.

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