Let’s Play Milon’s Secret Castle!
My brother and I got these “Game Player’s Tapes” back in the day from a neighbor who didn’t know what they were but worked with someone who worked with the company that made them. I’ve referenced these tapes before, but imagine GameFaqs in cheesy and campy late 80’s video form, only much shittier without helping you much at all. Do a Google search for them, you’ll find them.
Anyway, Milon’s Secret Castle was one of the games they covered and arguably the one I remember the best out of all of them.
Let’s Play Milon’s Secret Castle:
This game is pretty darn hard if you don’t know what you’re doing. On the other hand, if you know where all the items are, which ones to get, and put in the time early to beef up your shield and all that, it’s much more manageable.
Proof of the game’s difficulty is clearly shown in the Game Player’s Tape on it as they cover a lot in the first third of the game, then get pretty spotty on details and footage as it was clear whomever was playing it was having a difficult time or at the very least was using Game Genie to get from one scene to the next. Ugh those tapes were such a joke.
But despite the difficulty this game was another strong title for the NES with unique gameplay and challenging puzzles and action.
There’s just something very familiar about this game, a bit of an intangible that I love despite the many frustrating elements of it.
This may have been the first time I ever beat this game, as well, though I don’t remember offhand. Either way it was a good start to Total Request July 2016.