Let’s Play Matterhorn Screamer! This and The Chase on Tom Sawyer Island were two of the earliest games I ever played in my life. Made by Disney in some capacity, Matterhorn Screamer is an unforgiving yet enjoyable game in which your goal is to control Goofy to the top of Matterhorn Screamer, collecting flags along the way to I guess prove to Mickey that he actually made it to the top and didn’t just… I don’t know, what is Goofy known for… do that classic trademarked laugh while relaxing in his bathtub.
Let’s Play Matterhorn Screamer:
There are a number of obstacles to make life interesting for Goofy, including rams and MULTIPLE yetis who are aching to nudge or throw you from the mountain. When you’re three, the thumping intimidation music which cues when it’s too late and you’re going to die coupled with the screeching sound effect of falling was pretty unnerving, so I did my best to avoid that at all costs.
The gameplay is pretty non-existent in this game, and easily the most frustrating part (outside of getting to the bottom thinking you’ve gotten all the flags only to realize that you missed one and you do indeed need them all) is finding the precise spot on each cliff which you need to be in to jump to make it to the next cliff. Generally on easy mode it’s at the end of the cliff, but on hard you just have to know as silly as that is. And to make things more annoying, if you try to jump from just off of the precise spot, Goofy attempts a gimpy half jump and just inexplicably slips and falls to his death.
Why did I like this game again? Whatever engine this game uses’ colors are pretty vivid and unique to this game, and jumping in the floating bobsleds among the snow children is pretty fun. I’ve never called them snow children in my life, by the way, I just don’t know if they’re meant to be elves, kids, mini yetis who haven’t grown their facial fur or taste for Goofy’s death, or what.