lets play kung fu

Let’s Play Kung Fu

Let’s Play Kung Fu! Kung Fu is about as straight forward an action game that you’ll find on the NES. Ported from the arcade game of the same name, you play as Ryu on a familiar quest (though relatively fresh at the time) to rescue his girlfriend.

lets play kung fuKidnapped by the presumably evil Mr. X, you have to fight your way through five identical floors where the only things which change are the enemies on each screen and the level boss.

The thing I like most about Kung Fu is that it’s relatively easy and quick to beat. I can fight my way through all five floors in about ten minutes or so, and if you know which of your six moves (a low, middle, and jumping punch and kick) to use on which enemy, then it’s a pretty manageable let’s play. And if you do happen to die on one of the level ending bosses, who doesn’t love that familar satisfying laugh which they ripped straight out of Punch Out! or vice versa?

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