Let’s Play Joe and Mac

Let’s Play Joe and Mac

Let’s Play Joe and Mac! Let’s Play Joe and MacHey hey, I was joined by my friend Jen when I played this and it was a good time. This was another request and a game I had never played growing up so having her coach me up was a nice addition to the video and play.

Let’s Play Joe and Mac:

I actually played this a number of times around the same time before it went up in different capacities and formats. First I did the let’s play with Jen which went up. Then I tried it on regular NES and it wasn’t nearly as good. Then I played it by myself the final time, and I think I beat it that time after adding extra lives or some cheat.

Anyway it’s a platformer set in prehistoric dinosaur times, what’s not to like? You pick up different items and weapons to progress through the various levels and there are all manners of dinosaurs trying to take you down.

The boss battles were a good time, the cartoony graphics were fun, and yeah, I guess aside from the number of pits (lava and standard), this was a fun time. I can see this being one of the better two player co-op games for the SNES which is probably where it got most of its fans from.

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