let's play home alone

Let’s Play Home Alone

Let’s Play Home Alone! let's play home aloneThis is the original Home Alone for the NES, not to be confused with the far superior Home Alone for the Sega Genesis which I would later play. This game takes all of the fun of the movie and stores it away somewhere where no one will ever find it. I don’t want to come down on it too harshly, it was okay. It was more a glorified version of Pac Man where you just do your best to stay away from the wet bandits until the timer runs out and the cops show up.

Let’s Play Home Alone:

It’s actually a decently challenging game if its your first time as it was for me. I’ve managed to remember most of these let’s plays a year or two after I played them because the game resonated with me at one point or another in my life, but I’m not getting much from this one.

It’s a crappy Home Alone game which to its credit better resembles the plot than the flaming garbage turd of Home Alone 2 for the SNES (wow that game should never have been made). The Genesis version was the best one, so let’s not waste any more time on this one.

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