let's play double dare

Let’s Play Double Dare

Let’s Play Double Dare! let's play double dareRemember when Mark Summers sort of became an evangelist, and then later appeared on the Food Network? Before all of that, he reported daily to his true calling as the host of a couple of Nickelodeon’s beloved game shows for kids, one of which being Double Dare.

Let’s Play Double Dare:

Double Dare set the standard for awesome kid themed game shows in the 90’s (a lost genre, really, heh especially with the 90’s being over). There were relatively easy and fun questions that admittedly no one cared about because everyone just tuned in to see the physical challenges of flinging pies across the stage to try to drop one in your teammate’s oversized pants or doing… something with eggs… I don’t remember what exactly.

The best part was of course the obstacle course at the end where the two teammates took turns on each of the 8 obstacles to try to find the flag before moving on to the next course. With each obstacle cleared, the kids would win another prize, which usually consisted of bikes, board games, or even video games (how meta).

Anyway, the game was all right. It made me nostalgic for the days of spontaneous sliming and the pie pod, and I thought the obstacle course at the end was anything but intuitive, but that’s about it.

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