Let’s Play Battle Chess

Let’s Play Battle Chess

Let’s Play Battle Chess! Let’s Play Battle ChessActually I’m decent at chess if I’m not filming it. I tend to get distracted from the actual game when I’m simultaneously trying to make have decent comical observations about the game, recall memories, and set up moves on either side which will result in interesting matchups between my and my enemy’s armies.

Let’s Play Battle Chess:

Okay, enough self-defense of my intelligence; let’s talk about the game itself. I like Battle Chess because they took a game which admittedly doesn’t appeal to most kids and turned it into something which could fun even if your idol wasn’t Bobby Fisher (that’s a little chess reference to higher the brows – don’t worry; it’s probably the last one I’ll ever make on the channel.

It was a lot of fun trying to set up each combination of kill and death between all of the different pieces on the board. Each death animation was unique and some of them were downright funny.

In addition to teaching kids the “sport” of chess in a fun and inventive way, it also taught an important lesson, that lesson being that even a pawn can dispatch a queen (if EVERYTHING works out). There’s a metaphor for life somewhere in there.

Don’t give up, kids!

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