Let’s Play Super Mario 3! “SUPER… MARIO… THREEEEEE!” “A new game? They can’t do that!” I can’t think of Super Mario 3 without thinking about The Wizard and subsequently misquote that movie like I just did.
Let’s Play Super Mario 3:
Anyway, to say that there was hype when Mario 3 came out was an understatement. NES was at its peak, Mario was synonymous with the best games around, and this was the first game where there was a great deal of anticipation leading up to the release of an NES game.
Video game retailers took full advantage of this and in concert with Nintendo set a precedent of charging $50 for the game. It was unheard of at the time considering most games were going for $30. My brother and I saved up our money for this one and put a $10 deposit down for the presell, a practice I’d mimic time and time again for the SNES and the Nintendo 64 especially.
The game was pretty impressive for its time. It returned to the style of play of the original Mario, abandoning whatever (successful) experiment they had going on with Mario 2, but it was like a souped up version of it. There were more items and suits, including the leaf/Mario with a tail! You could store items in your inventory and use them on demand. There were still eight worlds, but each one had its own theme.
Ultimately there was just a lot more stuff to do in Mario 3 than ever before and it offered a much more diverse gaming experience than its predecessors or most other games on the NES.
What the hell was up with Jimmy just inexplicably knowing where the warp was in the first world? That was kind of bullshit; NO ONE knew that was there on their first play through unless they had an unusually well informed friend or had seen The Wizard.
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