let's play rygar

Let’s Play Rygar

Let’s Play Rygar! let's play rygarI believe that this was my first ever request which I played on the channel, part of my very first “Total Request July”. Those of you born before 1992 will probably get the reference, but TRJ is still a tradition which I honor to this day on the channel.

Let’s Play Rygar:

The request process was pretty crude back then, but somehow people were able to convey what they wanted me to play, and the first request I played was Rygar which thanfully turned out to be a very fun and innovative game which I had admittedly never played. It’s been a nice bonus having this Let’s Play channel in learning about great games which somehow eluded me as a kid for the NES even with what I think to be a pretty decent scope, and learning how much these games meant to other people, similar to how hidden gems which I’ve since learned I played and loved as a kid but other people didn’t hear of.

But I digress…

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