let's play rollercoaster tycoon

Let’s Play Rollercoaster Tycoon

Let’s Play Rollercoaster Tycoon!let's play rollercoaster tycoon

Another game I was addicted to in the mid to late 90’s in Rollercoaster Tycoon. I played a bit of Bullfrog’s “Themepark” back in the day and when I went to play it again for the channel I realized I was actually remembering Rollercoaster Tycoon as the super fun themepark management simulator game.

Let’s Play Rollercoaster Tycoon:

This takes the basic solid and fun concept of Sim City, designing your own city from the ground up, and combines it with every kid’s dream in managing a themepark. Okay, maybe managing a themepark isn’t every or even many kids’ dream, but this is a fun game.

Not only do you get to construct your themepark from the ground up, you get to make all the tough choices which every themepark manager has to make. Like how much to charge for popcorn at one concession stand, or how much to charge for popcorn at that OTHER concession stand.

Nah it’s actually pretty fun deciding how much to charge for entry into the park and how much individual rides and concessions cost.

It’s even fun choosing which promotional ads to run to encourage people to visit your park.

But the real fun is in designing the park itself. This means getting to choose from dozens of rides, concession stands, and other buildings, but also in some cases designing the rides themselves.

This is the case with the rollercoasters and other track based rides where you can create your own course for everyone to enjoy. I forget if this game had it or if it was a subsequent RT game but you could even see a simulation of the ride you just made in a first person 3D scene so you could experience what it was like to go on that ride you just made firsthand.

I only ended up doing one park for the let’s play, but at the end I mentioned I’d be eager to try another park in a different environment (build a themepark in the middle of a desert? Check.) another time, and I wasn’t joking; this game is that fun.

There are also tons of scenarios/challenges and environments to build your themepark in so it should keep you busy for quite a while.

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