let's play police quest 2

Let’s Play Police Quest 2

Let’s Play Police Quest 2! Another entry in the saga of Sonny Bonds, fictional Lytton, California’s favorite police officer and detective!let's play police quest 2

Let’s Play Police Quest 2:

Every great hero has a nemesis, and Jesse Bains is that villain in at least the first two Police Quest games. Of COURSE he escaped from lockup (this seems to be an ongoing issue for the Lytton county police) and of course it’s Sonny’s job to bring him back to justice so he can escape in a subsequent game… or maybe not this time.

Police Quest was a good series, though admittedly it was my least favorite from Sierra. It’s still a good time and this entry sees us going all over the damn city and eventually state or maybe country to bring him Bains to justice.

It’s a typie of course, and when it comes to a meticulous game like Police Quest, it’s a bit much for me figuring out the perfect command, so there were a couple of times where I had to seek some help.

Truthfully I didn’t play a lot of this game as a kid because I could never get past the plane part where terrorists inevitably attempt to commandeer the plane for their terrorist motives. This was a simpler time where shooting a terrorist or two on a plane and saving countless lives was pretty commonplace. Sonny didn’t even get to make the talk show rounds! The hell!?

Anyway it was gratifying finally figuring out how to adjust the sights of my gun, something I could never do as a kid.

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