Lets Play Nintendo Pinball! Nintendo was commissioning and creating games on everything in the mid 80’s when they were just touching down, and fortunately most of them were great. Take Nintendo Pinball, for instance; a super fun take on what could have been a horrible transition of taking a bar room and arcade staple and shrinking it for your living room, but it totally works.
Let’s Play Nintendo Pinball:
Instead of just making this a “hit the ball with the paddles” game which could have been an okay but glorified version of Pong, Nintendo made the game unique. The entire board consists of three screens: the bottom, the top (which if you drop below it’s not game over), and the princess rescue bridge screen.
Each screen even had their own incentives to try for, like the slot machine numbers on the top along with the seals who balance the ball on their noses, the royal flush on the bottom screen along with the entrance to the special third screen, and the third screen where you have to keep the ball afloat in a sort of reverse block breaker type game just long enough to create a gap wide enough to catch the princess who falls through.
It’s a very fun game to play alone or with a buddy to see who can rack up the most points. An oldie but a goodie.