let's play mario party 3

Let’s Play Mario Party 3

Let’s Play Mario Party 3!let's play mario party 3

It’s me and Peter, round 3 in what has become quite the ongoing episodic rivalry here on LPWB as we play Mario Party 3 in a blind run this go around. At the time of this let’s play, we were all tied up one game a piece as I won the original and Peter won the first sequel. You’ll just have to read this whole piece to find out who won this one.

Let’s Play Mario Party 3:

There’s not much to say about Mario Party 3, you’re better off just talking about the franchise, just like with every other game in the franchise. It’s just a great formula which is why they’ve pounded it to death and just keep churning out game after game.

The beauty of the Mario Party franchise is that it’s so easy to tweak it and get people coming back for more. There is a lot of replayability built into every game in the franchise, as well, as there’s always something new to discover and the outcome and experience will always be different thanks to a strong collection of minigames to play.

That’s why I’m eager to play later games in the franchise, because it seems to me that each subsequent entry is just another chance to improve upon the game which preceded it, weeding out the minigames which didn’t work, keeping the best, and making new boards and new tweaks to the gameplay.

And YES, Peter won this one if memory serves, so he’s up 2-1 in our neverending rivalry.

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