lets play magic carpet

Let’s Play Magic Carpet

Let’s Play Magic Carpet! Sometimes awesome games find you. That was the case when my dad bought me what was one of our first “modern” PC’s in the early to mid 90’s. It came with an entire binder of free software. Most of it was crap, and being an eight year old, I was more concerned with determining which CD’s were for games and which were for educational/no care ware. One decorative purple CD labeled “Magic Carpet” had me intrigued, so I popped it in and I was off on a magic carpet ride.

lets play magic carpetPossibly my first foray into 3D gaming was crude graphically, but it was addictively fun in gameplay. The premise was simple enough: possess neutral mana balls, converting them to your color to go into your cache which in turn gave you the ability to cast greater and more powerful spells. You had a home base in the castle spell which you could continue building up with the more mana which you possessed and stocked up on. It’s one of those premises which is so damn simple but never gets old once you’re in the thick of it playing.

There were monsters to protect your castle from and to convert into your mana once you vanquished them, and on top of that there were up to seven other wizards who were in the same situation as you, building their mana pools up and developing their castles to gain more power. Attacking another rival wizard’s castle and breaking it down to a lower level caused its mana to spill everywhere so that you could rush in and steal it all for your stash.

Outside of maybe Theme Park (another great game which I have yet to play at the time of writing this), I have no idea what else the Magic Carpet’s develop, Bullfrog, put together, but kudos to them for coming up with a completely original and addictive concept which I’ll go now on record as saying that I would LOVE to see a modern revamp of.

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