lets play kings quest 4

Let’s Play King’s Quest 4

Let’s Play King’s Quest 4! King’s Quest 4 was when the King’s Quest series began to get really good as far as I was concerned. They definitely made it a point to temper the difficulty in this game as compared to King’s Quest 3, and that’s probably a lot of why I love this game so much more than 2 or 3. It just goes to show that you don’t need to make a game insanely difficult or long to make it a classic which I consider KQ4 to be.

Let’s Play King’s Quest 4:

Unlike any other Sierra games or most other video games in general, I actually have vague memories of playing this game with both my dad and my brother as a kid, working together to try to solve puzzles and figure things out. Probably another reason why I love it as much as I do.

This game always kind of spooked me, too. There was a lot in it which was creepy, at least for a kid. The ogre who would randomly appear on a couple of particularly dangerous screens, grab you by your blonde hair and throw you in his cauldron for dinner… terrifying.

The trees one screen over who would grab you and kill you… eek. The blind hags who had only one eye between the three of them and who would throw you in their cauldron (seriously what the hell is with everyone trying to throw a girl into a boiling cauldron?)… yikes.

The haunted house where ghosts of a murdered family appear and you have to dig up their individual and respective graves to give them their most treasured items… spooky as hell.

And cripes, the fricking pitch black cave that there’s LITERALLY no technique involved in it whatsoever where trolls pop out, with startling bleak music cracks out instantly to coincide with it in the process, to drag you to your death… my god.

I think I just made a pretty good case for this game being super creepy.


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