Let’s Play Golden Axe

Let’s Play Golden Axe

Let’s Play Golden Axe!

After the failure of Altered Beast, it was time to get our heads back in the game Matt and I as we doubled down for some Golden Axe fun.

Let’s Play Golden Axe:

Golden Axe is a classic beat em’ up game ala Double Dragon but set in a fuedal fantasy world. What made this game a bit different was that there were a number of different character types to choose from so you could be more nimble, more powerful, more magical, etc. Actually, scratch the “etc.”; that’s all you could be. But it made the game fun.

Matt and I had a pretty good time with this one and it was certainly pretty satisfying with us able to get through 90% of the game without losing, making this game pretty beatable if you’re on your game.

No idea what was with the final boss, and those silly end credits while we’re at it. Just the developers having a bit of fun I suppose.

But yeah, not a bad run considering this was another arcade to home entertainment system port.

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