friday the 13th nes

Let’s Play Friday the 13th

Let’s Play Friday the 13th! This is obviously one of my favorite games of all time for some reason. friday the 13th nesWell favorite of all time might be a little strong, but I never get tired of playing it. I think I derive a certain amount of satisfaction from the fact that most people find this game mind numbingly difficult and I can somehow generally manage to beat it in a half hour or so. I’ve actually played it a handful of times already on the channel, typically during live videos when I’m filling or killing time or to mark the odd Friday the 13th on the calendar. Admittedly people who follow my channel might be a bit sick of this game by now, but check out my first ever let’s play of Friday the 13th, which also happens to be only the second video I ever played on this channel:

The great thing about this game is the simplicity of it all. You’ve really just got two objectives while you play Friday the 13th, protect your friends while warding off/killing Jason, and looking for better items to better kill Jason. The latter is especially important because you plain just don’t have time to kill Jason with a rock, even if you’re an amazing dodger of his various weapons. It takes too damn long and, when you consider that you have to kill him three consecutive times, it gets a little repetitive unless you have either the pitchfork or the flame. Either weapon will take away a meter of his health with every hit, so the sooner you can get one of those weapons, the sooner you’ll be to surviving and beating the game.

Note that the only thing which changes in Jason is his speed, and especially remember that whenever he speeds up, that’s your cue that he’s going to attack twice in a row. Hopefully that helped to demystify this decent, replayable game.

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