Let’s Play Donkey King Jr.

Let’s Play Donkey Kong Jr.

Let’s Play Donkey Kong Jr.! Let’s Play Donkey Kong Jr.Another classic from when I was a kid. Another vivid memory, as well, in that I remember getting this game the day I graduated preschool (yeah apparently they had preschool graduation ceremonies). My preschool graduation ceremony somehow involved the kids getting on stage and riding on wooden toy horses in a circle… wow what the hell was the message there?

Let’s Play Donkey Kong Jr.:

Anyway, after the horse circle thing, my family went to Toys R’ Us and my dad said I could get any game I wanted. I think my brother and I were leaning toward Castlevania 2, but my dad convinced my 5 year old self to go with Donkey Kong Classic, which included Donkey Kong Jr. He convinced me by promising that he’d play the game with us, which was kind of a big deal because the NES was my older brother’s and my’s life at the time, but our parents never played it with us, so the prospect of playing video games while hanging out with my dad was too good to pass up.

Ha unfortunately he didn’t keep his end of the deal, but Donkey Kong Jr and Classic are still, well, classics. Plus we did eventually get Castlevania 2, so all’s well that ends well. But We still bring that story up every now and then, my brother and I, and have a good laugh over it.

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