lets play warios woods

Let’s Play Wario’s Woods!

I know two things about this game. One, it was the last game released for the NES at least in North America. lets play warios woodsThe other is that my friend Matt really enjoys it and is pretty damn good at it. Unfortunately, my limited knowledge of this game doesn’t extend to how to play it, and I’m proud to say that it shows in this let’s play.

Let’s Play Wario’s Woods:

I’m glad Matt was here when I played this and that I didn’t attempt it on my own, because I really was being sincere when I said that I didn’t know how to play it.

As some of the comments of the video observed, this game likely had a big hand in and influence on that whole “three in a row” game craze which would capture the attentions and wallets of smart phone and tablet users a couple decades later.

Before all of that though, before your Candy Crushes, your Bejeweled, your (insert your three in a row game of choice here), there was Wario’s Woods. And it was okay.

No it’s not my favorite puzzle game for the NES, otherwise I would have played it much sooner.

I will fully admit to being more of a Yoshi and Yoshi’s Cookie kind of guy. The concept was a bit simpler. I think the snag with Wario’s Woods was controlling Toad which had its own obstacles in terms of what he could or more typically couldn’t do.

I think you need to have a certain kind of mind for this game, and my buddy Matt definitely has it as he was gracious enough to show off his aptitude for this game which made it all the better. Thanks to him for humoring me through my bumbling attempts at the game, and thanks to you all for watching it.

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