let's play urban champion

Let’s Play Urban Champion

Let’s Play Urban Champion! let's play urban championHa I remember playing this when I was crashing at my buddies Matt and Jen’s guest room. I think I had just woken up and realized that I didn’t have a game for that week on the channel (I wasn’t nearly as professional then as I am now, obviously) and decided that I had to do a quick let’s play. As I looked through my library, Urban Champion looked like a quick game I remembered and felt I could knock out relatively quickly. Given that it was relatively early in the morning and not knowing how thin the walls were in their house/not wanting to wake anyone up, I kept my voice pretty quiet as you can probably tell.

Let’s Play Urban Champion:

But Urban Champion, what can you say. It’s an olllld NES game, one of those first 1986 releases. It was a simpler time, when you could knock a dude into an open manhole and a random woman living upstairs in the nearby apartment building would keep a watchful eye out for street fighters and throw out confetti to celebrate the inevitable death of the sewer lower.

Urban Champion is really a metaphor for life, if you don’t think about it. Anyway, I’ve never played it with a friend in multiplayer, but it’s probably fun or something.

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