Let’s Play Super Sprint! Super Sprint was one of the few games which was both readily available in video game rentals stores but at the same time was not “licensed by Nintendo”, whatever the hell that meant. If it sounds like I’m a bit angry, I am. It’s because Super Sprint is a sweet if not simplistic racing game for the NES, but my brother wouldn’t knowingly let me place it/load it into the Nintendo to play it because he basically thought not licensed by Nintendo meant that it would explode your NES upon entry. Still, I own the cartridge now and even have a memory of playing it when we moved houses when I was 8 years old. I had rented the game and was hanging out in the new house immediately after my folks had bought it with my dad. I had brought the NES over while my dad was painting the new house and while mom and my bro stayed at the old house, and I played the hell out of Super Sprint by myself.
Let’s Play Super Sprint:
The great thing about Super Sprint was in two player mode when one of the two of you had lost a couple of races and was clearly not in contention anymore, so they assumed the role of interference man. That meant that they’d basically identify who the greatest threat between the two computer controlled cars was, and slam into them in intersections, effectively throwing them off course and ensuring that the other player would win the race so the two of you would continue on to the next course.
It was a kind of sneaky cheating against the computer who couldn’t really object to it, but you felt like you were getting away with something every time you did it. But yes, licensed or not, Super Sprint was an awesome tiny car racing game which I very much enjoyed as a kid, not to mention a game which conjures up images of playing it in a completely empty, recently bought house in an empty room with nothing but an NES and a TV and my dad painting walls in the next room.