let's play super mario 2

Let’s Play Super Mario 2

Let’s Play Super Mario 2! let's play super mario 2Super Mario 2, the game which was released in North America because the real Mario 2 which was basically a complete rehash of the first Mario but much, much more difficult. I got to experience that game firsthand years later on the All Stars bundle at a friend’s house.

Let’s Play Super Mario 2:

But a big kudos to Nintendo to not just repackaging the first game with new levels, putting new cover art on the box and shipping it. No, they blew up Mario and rebuilt it from the ground up. The only thing which left intact was that Mario was white and presumably still an Italian plumber.

The differences: you can now play as Peach, Toad, and Luigi, who all have their own special abilities, you can go up instead of just left to right, you can pick things up, there are dozens of new enemies, new unique bosses, new environments. I could go on, but this is just a solid game all around which is uniquely its own. And the crazy thing is as good as that game was, they never replicated it in style at any other point in the future. Mario 3 more or less whet back to the original formula with some improvements, but the gameplay of Mario 2 is all its own.

So as for my Let’s Play Super Mario 2 video itself, like Mario 1 and many games on this channel, I do it the way I did it growing up. That means using some warps and playing Luigi over and over and over again. I’m sure they tried their best to create parity between the four characters, and it pained me to admit this as a kid as Luigi was my brother’s favorite and you’re competitive about nearly everything at that age, but Luigi is far and away the best character.

His ability to jump and maintain a hang let's play super mario 2time of a couple of seconds beat the snot out of Princess’ flying ability. Mario was too average in every category to give him a look, and Toad was too coked up fast to control through most of the game.

Anyway, I think my final thoughts on this game is that it’s just another example that Nintendo didn’t mess around with their original games on the NES. I can’t speak for much which Nintendo has done since I stopped paying attention in more recent years, but their original games have almost always been gems.

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