Let’s Play Super Dodgeball

Let’s Play Super Dodgeball

Let’s Play Super Dodgeball! Let’s Play Super DodgeballOne of my and my friend Matt from New York’s favorites from back in the day.

Let’s Play Super Dodgeball:

Of course by back in the day I mean college, as that’s when he and I began playing it together, but this has been one of my favorite’s since I was a kid.

Again another game featured in the Game Player’s tapes. The one line which jumps to mind from that segment which I always repeat when playing the game is “keep feeding Sam the ball”. Great tip, Game Player’s tapes!

Fun music, fun graphics which are the same as the NES Soccer dudes, and so, so many super throws. Like Mega Man Soccer after it or Baseball Simulator 1000 around the same time, it’s the special moves which make the game unique. That and the fact that it’s a video game devoted to Dodgeball, so how can you go wrong?

Plus the Bean Ball mode is great for anyone who hates their coworkers and fantasizes about getting together after work and beaning them to death with a dodgeball, at least that’s how I interpret that mode.

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