Let’s Play The Last Ninja!
So we go from one of my favorite games of all time to one of the worst I ever played. But picking on The Last Ninja is like shooting fish in a barrel, an exercise in futility. Then again I’m not entirely sure that the game, a game this bad, was made from a place of irony, so maybe it’s all fair game.
Let’s Play the Last Ninja:
This came from those days of freaking out that I was going to run out of games to play on the channel so I began playing the most random games I had never heard of and recording them, this being one of them. Of course you roll the dice when you do that, and when I played this game, it was so bad that I got the idea to do a designated worst games of all time month.
Of course that never ended up happening as I ultimately decided that while it would be fun for a week, the quality of the games might turn people off so much to unsubscribe. Now I know that that would probably be a great idea, providing that the commentary and observations were hilariously ruthless.
I don’t remember that much about this game except that nothing worked, it looked like he powerwalked everywhere, and… wow this isn’t coming close to touching the real-time wit of the actual let’s play, so I’ll just defer and refer you to that above.