Let’s Play King’s Quest 2! My first Sierra sequel, I picked back up the King’s Quest series with the second installment. This go around, Graham is looking for love in all the wrong places, though not to the hilarious consequences which Larry experiences seemingly every time.
Let’s Play King’s Quest 2:
This is probably my least favorite King’s Quest game in the series, mostly because it’s a typie and didn’t get the VGA makeover I enjoyed as a kid in the first game. Three was more challenging and annoying as a typie in a lot of parts, but there was so much more to it compared to this one which can be knocked out relatively quickly. I didn’t play it enough as a kid to remember every little detail, but I got through it without too many issues.
What’s kind of weird is that this is still meant to be Daventry, until you go through the trippy door, but it looks nothing like the Daventry from the first game. Other than that, it kind of follows the same basic structure as the first game, the difference between that instead of having to find three treasures, this time you have to find three keys to open three doors to eventually find yourself in the far away land that his queen Valentice is being kept in.
That’s about all I have to say about this game, but how great was that Space Quest plug on top of the mountain? Gotta love the self referential nature which all Sierra games seem to have in common.